Apply for Medicare

How to Apply

The exact details of applying to Medicare depend on which group you belong to: people 65 and older, younger people with disabilities, or younger people with End-Stage Renal Disease. Read more to figure out how to apply based on your group.

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If You’re 65 and Older

If you are newly eligible for Medicare because you’re turning 65 and do not already receive Social Security Benefits or Railroad Retirement Board benefits, you have to sign up for Medicare through Social Security.

If you already receive social security or RRB benefits, you will automatically be enrolled in Medicare. In the U.S., you’ll be enrolled in both Parts A and B on the first day of your birthday month. In Puerto Rico, you’ll automatically be enrolled in Part A only. 

If You’re Under 65 with a Disability

If you’re under 65 but have a disability that would make you eligible for Social Security for at least 24 non-consecutive months, you may be able to apply for Medicare. If you already receive Social Security, you’ll be automatically enrolled in Parts A and B. If you’re not already receiving Social Security, you’ll have to contact the Social Security Administration to apply for both Social Security and Medicare. 

If You’re Under 65 with End-Stage Renal Disease

The process for applying to Medicare for End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is slightly different. You must apply through Social Security. You will not be automatically enrolled in Medicare just because you have ESRD. 

Enrollment Periods

Medicare has several enrollment periods. If you miss these enrollment periods, you may either have to pay a fine or lose coverage. The enrollment periods are:

  • Initial Enrollment: For people newly eligible at 65, this period is three months before your birthday month, your birthday month, and then the three months after your birthday month
  • Special Enrollment Period: A 2-3 month window for when you are moving out of your plan’s service area or if you are losing your current healthcare or prescription drug coverage.
  • General Enrollment Period: January 1 through March 31, the only time outside of your initial enrollment period that you are allowed to enroll in Medicare.
  • Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Period: A six-month period after you enroll in Medicare Part B, where you can enroll in any Medicare Supplement plan during this time.
  • Annual Enrollment Period: October 15 to December 7, the window in which you can change your Medicare coverage, sign up for a new supplement plan, or leave a plan
  • Medicare Advantage Enrollment Period: January 1 – March 31, the period that you can enroll and disenroll in a Medicare Advantage plan

Applying to Medicare can be pretty simple. Depending on which cohort you belong to – 65 or older, people with disabilities, or people with ESRD – you most likely will have to apply through Social Security. Keep the enrollment periods in mind, as these are the only times you can apply to Medicare. To learn more about how to apply to Medicare, contact us at Modern Senior Benefits today.