Original Medicare

Medicare Overview

Original Medicare is a federal health insurance program for three populations:

people 65 and older, younger people with disabilities, and younger people with End-Stage Renal Disease.

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Parts of Medicare

Original Medicare has four parts: Parts A, B, C, and D. Each part covers a different aspect of healthcare. Part A is mandatory. When you enroll in Medicare, you have to enroll in Part A. While Part B is optional, Part B is required for many extras, like Medicare Supplement Plans and Medicare Advantage Plans. Advantage Plans are often referred to as Part C since they’re an optional addition to Original Medicare. Part D is also optional and offers prescription drug coverage. 

Each Part of Original Medicare covers a different aspect of healthcare. Browse our sections on each part individually or check out our quick list below. 

Part A: Inpatient and skilled facility needs

Part B: Outpatient and preventive services

Part C: Medicare Advantage plans

Part D: Prescription Drug Coverage 

Gaps in Medicare Coverage

Original Medicare doesn’t cover everything, nor does it cover everything in full. There are certain gaps in coverage that Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Plans cover. Medicare Advantage covers extra benefits that Original Medicare doesn’t cover, like vision and dental insurance. While the exact benefit details depend on the plan, most people can find the bonus benefits they’re looking for. Medicare Supplement Plans cover the gaps in out-of-pocket expenses. These plans offer coverage for the remaining costs left over by Original Medicare, reducing your overall out-of-pocket expenses.


Medicare is a comprehensive federal health insurance program for people 65 and older, younger people with disabilities, and younger people with End-Stage Renal Disease. There are four parts: Parts A, B, C, and D. Contact us at Modern Senior Benefits to learn more about which parts of Original Medicare are right for you.