Prescription Drug Coverage

Main Ways to Get Prescription Drug Coverage Under Medicare

There are two main ways to get prescription drug coverage under Medicare: Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D. 

Here’s how it works with Medicare Advantage: You can buy a plan through a private insurer that includes drug coverage — in exchange for a monthly premium, often in addition to other benefits. 

Here’s how it works with Medicare Part D: You enroll in Medicare Part D and pay a monthly premium to get robust prescription drug coverage. Medicare Part D doesn’t offer any bonuses like Medicare Advantage Plans. 

Check out our other sections on Part D to see whether or not Part D is right for you.

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For all your Medicare questions and health needs, contact Modern Senior Benefits today.

Other Options

There are other ways to secure prescription drug coverage with Medicare. If you have an employer plan, you can get prescription drug coverage through that policy. There are also other health plans or programs that already include prescription drug coverage. If you have any of the below plans, Medicare advises you to stay on those plans rather than opt for Part D. The programs with good prescription drug coverage are:

  • Federal Employee Health Benefits Program
  • Veterans’ Benefits
  • Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Indian Health Services

To learn more about your prescription drug coverage options, contact us at Modern Senior Benefits today.