What is Medicare

Basics of Medicare

Medicare is a federally-funded health insurance plan. It is run by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare offers flexible health insurance for multiple populations at a relatively low cost. Read more below to understand who Medicare covers, what it covers, and the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. 

Read more below to understand who Medicare covers, what it covers, and the difference between Medicare and Medicaid.

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Who Medicare Covers

Medicare covers three groups of individuals: people 65 and older, younger people with disabilities, and younger people with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Each group has slightly different criteria for eligibility. Generally, everyone must be a citizen or legal resident. They must also have 40 tax credits or meet certain social security or medical standards.

What Medicare Covers

Medicare is designed to cover the most common health needs. There are four different parts of Medicare, all dedicated to different portions of healthcare. These are Parts A, B, C, and D. Below is a brief description of what each part covers.

Part A Covers:
• Inpatient hospital stays
• Skilled Nursing Facility Care
• Hospice Care
• Some Home Health Care

Part B Covers:
• Some doctors’ services
• Outpatient care
• Medical Supplies
• Preventive Services

Part C Covers:
• Extras like vision, dental, hearing
• Gym membership
• Transportation

Part D Covers:
• Prescription drugs


Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people 65 and older, people with disabilities, or people with ESRD. It covers many healthcare needs, like hospitals, preventative services, and certain extras. Contact us to learn more about Medicare today.